The IntraLogisteX Asia Pacific Exhibition and Conference is a free trade event for all end-user logistics, engineering and manufacturing professionals. Visitors who register for the event will only be approved for a free badge to event if they meet this criteria and have registered using their business e-mail address.
Any suppliers found to register for the event will be contacted and provided with the information needed to book a stand.
As this is a trade exhibition, anyone under the age of 16 will not be permitted to attend without prior agreement with the organiser. Students are not permitted entry to the event unless part of a recognised university group – please contact if you wish to submit a request.
By registering for the exhibition visitors agree not to canvas or leaflet at all during the event – if anyone is found to do so they will be removed from the exhibition.
Official photographers and film crew will be in attendance at the event, the organisers reserve the right to use the footage for future marketing.
The organisers of IntraLogisteX Asia Pacific reserve the right to refuse admission, exclude or remove anyone from the exhibition at any time.
By registering for IntraLogisteX Asia Pacific you agree to this admission policy.
For our full privacy policy please visit